Friday, July 24, 2009

A Wet Cardboard Box

Didja ever try to carry something or things in a really wet cardboard box?


Really, no?

Well, here's what happens: the box is a little too... flexible for complete confidence in its carrying ability, but holds stuff okay. Until the glue or tape lets loose. And then everything that was in the box is now on the ground. Bang. Usually there's at least one glass item involved which can now be spoken of only in the past tense.

Doesn't matter how you hold the box -- or should we say, held the box. Everything's going bang.

I'm feeling like that cardboard box. I was getting along okay for most of the week, but yesterday and today: bang. I simply can't get enough sleep. I don't hurt anywhere (except my */^@#& tongue), but just feel completely unplugged.

(Anne told me this would happen. And she should know. And she was right.)

So my blogging may be a bit light for the next couple of days. But hey, we're rounding the final turn and headed for the finish line, folks!!


  1. Dear Randy,

    You are a shining star, and we love you.


  2. The "its always darkiest before the dawn effect"- just do what you have to to weather it and we'll all be here waiting for you when it stops raining and you dry out a bit.

  3. Hi Randy,

    No worries about Light Blogging and I haven't had the cardboard box thing, but brown paper bags, carrying groceries home in the rain, before plastic was popluar and yes....BANG and broken jars! (Spaghetti Italian grandparents are rolloing over......I'm such a disappointment to my family:)... and a bottle of salad dressing...also the unthinkable in my early Italian household.)

    Hang in there...Wed is is the end of rad. in early Aug. Know that you are held with unlimited Love and Healing...I wish there were some thing we could do to help you to sleep better. I'm sure you have tried just about everything. I have no wisdom on this...just as Ellen said..."we'll be here waiting to reconnect when you dry out". In fact, even as you may need to be "incommunicato" for awhile...we are here loving you,praying and sending sweet love to you and Deb.

    Oh, I just thought of some thing!...You were just talking about your heart opening or hoping for more of that...maybe there is a bit of contraction (Full Spectrum Speak...but I believe that stuff)? doesn't matter, what matters is YOU and what you need. Sweet peace, Dear Randy.

    Love and Light,


  4. Hi Randy -

    We're down the homestretch! You're doing great, hang in there.


  5. Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
    Smiles await you when you rise.
    Guardian angels God will send thee,
    All through the night.

    Rest up, kiddo.

    - Lisa

  6. Rest, my dear friend. Rest and Heal. I will "see you in September" at school and at Chovy's where the Black Opal awaits. (probably does not sound good now, but by then...oh, boy. I love you both. Nancy
