Friday, July 17, 2009

Meet the Machine

My radiation machine, that is.

I've blogged elsewhere that this machine makes an MRI or CAT scan machine look like a high-school science project. That's really just for how it looks, mind you. Not what it does. I ain't dissing the scanners. Nope.

And that's because the scan machines look like monster-sized donuts, and they just sit there. You get slid back and forth inside the donut hole as the machine growls, clacks, snaps and spits. Okay, they don't really spit. I just made that up.

But the radiation machine has arms. And, as you lie perfectly still on the table, the machine moves around you.

Take a look at for a moment. Note in particular the first photo and the last one. (You can, of course, click on each photo for a better view.)

The first photo shows the machine at rest with its two "arms" retracted, but the "foot" piece extended. The bottom photo shows the machine in full use, with its two "arms" extended into working position (but the "foot" piece retracted) and the entire machine rotated ninety degrees to apply the proper radiation dosage at exactly the right spot. Geez, the whole machine twirling around the patient!

Whew!! You know, I'm really glad I decided to post this, because -- of course -- I've never seen the machine in operation. Being rather firmly attached to the table while it's doing its thing.

The actual radiation is released from the large overhead extension. I think the two "arms" and/or "foot" work to position the radiation head exactly for each and every session. For my sessions, the machine is repositioned maybe 6 or 7 times to cover both sides of my neck and face. I believe at least one of the appendages has a camera, so that the technicians running the machine from a different room can confirm visually that the machine is in just the right place.

The routine for my sessions is -- big surprise here -- stored in a computer along with everyone else's routines. I think the software is Windows-based. Because the displays kind of look Window-y and because the technicians had to restart one of the computers before my last session could commence.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Randy,

    It was really interesting to see the radiation machine and it does look quite impressive! AND... it works for're its boss, so to speak! Also, I'm glad to hear you are getting some relief for your ulcer and that you gained a half pound...even though you are "down" that you and Deb have your system perfected...perhaps the weight will come on more quickly or at least a bit more consistently :)

    I agree about what I think Sharon or Martha said about a big party in the park near your home...and we'll all order PIZZA...what ever kind you want. If this does in fact happen (the gathering in the park) I will be there for sure...Just tell me when.

    I love that you have had (another) visitation! You just can't force the repeat of such an event...I think the feeling and the light will've already had two really cool such expereinces, so I think there are more on the way...relax into it and "ALLOW" may take some time and I don't think you "chased" it away by opening your eyes...maybe just postponed a deeper experience with natural curiosity (opening your eyes) and moving into a different conscious space. How's that for an "explaination" ? (hey does this thing have spell check by any chance?)

    Love you bunches...Thanks for all the wonderful posts and keep on feeding! and Oh Yeah...I do hope you are feeling better soon. I too liked the post of What Cnacer Can Not Do. Good to remember...thanks for that.

    BTW if you think of it, would you please post the end of your treatment date? You may have posted it in the past and I don't remember (Sorry). I'm probably not the only one who is intersted in knowing that date, right?


