Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Spiral Chimney

Diane had asked to see the spiral chimney that Deb and I spotted on one of our walks through West Chester. So here 'tis.

We had a nice, if somewhat brief, chat with the current owner of the house, who assured us that the chimney was not original. But she could not recall off the top of her head what the back story was for the chimney. I would have guessed the chimney was a later addition: the folks who had these houses built for them were unlikely to have time for such silliness. (Fortunately for the rest of us, someone else did have the time!)
(You can click on the image itself for a larger version of the photo.)


  1. Hi Randy,

    WOW, with everything that you ahve going on you remembered I wanted to see that chimeny! I am impressed yet again. Thank you for the pic. Yes, I could tell the chiminey's brick work is much newer than the house's brick work, once I enlarged the pic. I like the house, too. I'm glad you have interesting things to see on your walks with Deb and even new people to meet along the way:)Thank you for sharing these with us through your blog - Hope you are feeling better soon...truely!

    Love, Light and Continued Beautiful Images to Captivate and Comfort you,


  2. Amazing!! Thanks, Randy.

  3. Hello All, My son came across the chimney pic you posted and showed it to me. I can give you some info on it because I built it. I am Charles Hoopes of Hoopes Masonry & Restorations. I built this chimney for Jerry Dobosh who was the owner of the home at the time, I cant remeber how many years ago it was but it has been awhile. I also built the one on the other side of the peak. Mr. Dobosh had called me out of the blue one day and asked if I would build this chimney for him, I had always wanted to do one so I took him up on the offer. Beleive it or not, this chimney is easier to build than a normal square chimney. The spiral clay chimney pot on the top weighs about 300 lbs. and was a bugger getting it up there. The chimney was also featured in an special pull out of the Daily Local News on architecture in West Chester several years ago. If I am correct, I beleive I also did work for you also. Hope this info was usefull, Thanks, Charles
