Friday, July 10, 2009

An Apology...

The other day, I posted a piece that used the term "shooting myself" in the title. It concerned my using hypodermic needles to inject Lovenox (a blood thinner) twice a day to help control and eventually dissolve a blood clot in my leg. The procedure was going well and, after a blood test, I was told to stop doing the injection, as a pill-based medication should be adequate from then on.

I was feeling very good about the blood test, and may have been over-exuberant when I posted the piece. And less-than-wise by using the term "shooting."

If I caused any of you dear readers a moment's concern about my actually shooting myself, I do apologize. I want this blog to be informative and fun, but certainly not a cause for alarm on anyone's part.

We still friends?


  1. I was more horrified by yet another of your lame puns- not that your personal puns are the only puns that are lame- puns by their very nature are lame not that that diminishes their entertainment value- after all, we groan both in pleasure and pain- puns being a wonderful pleasureable sort of pain.

  2. Oh Randy, do not fret. When I saw "shoot" inside quotation marks, and then read "self-administered injection" in the second line, of course I put two and two together. And then – okay I can speak only for myself here, but I bet I’m not alone – I thought, "WOW, who knew Randy was such a great headline writer?"

    I have had this same thought more and more as your blog entries have piled up alongside your journey, each one posted with a perfectly elegant, honest and unassuming gem at the top. I mean, just look at that list of titles over there in your right nav bar – there’s not a bad one in the bunch. (And while we’re over there, just look at how they all come down to that elegant and unassuming red ball perched on your fingertip at the bottom. I mean, talk about the perfect metaphor for your general deportment and Astaire-like grace.)

    And headline talent aside, the quotation marks around "shoot" did make it clear that it was meant as a pun.

    So it's all perfect. Please do not fret.

    But to get to the real point, just in case you were wondering why nobody was commenting on your latest posts (was that what got you thinking you may have upset people?), I can only tell you that, for myself, your more medically oriented updates are simply not as easy to respond to. And the reason for this is that there is so much more to say. When I read these more difficult posts, my interior response is so complicated – there is medical information to digest, there is your fear and flesh-and-bones physical experience to grok, there is my own fear to own up to and denial to overcome, and most of all there is this need to find the magic words that simply don’t exist – and so what happens is that I can’t say anything.

    In theater, there are two kinds of riveted audience engagement that you can feel palpably from the stage. In comedy, where the experience is heartwarming and we aren’t even thinking about dire stakes, you get outright prolonged laughter. And then in drama, when the stakes are real and we are most engaged and truly concerned, you can hear a pin drop.

    So we’re out here, reading every post and caring more than words can say – especially when you can hear a virtual pin drop.

    And maybe even then we should say something anyway.
