Monday, July 6, 2009

Hair -- Part 3

Or, as the old adage has it: "Hair today, gone tomorrow."

I was wearing a dark blue T-shirt yesterday, and was surprised to look down and see it had a light coating of hairs sprinkled across the front. And they were obviously hairs from my beard. I brushed them off, but the sprinkling was back in an hour or two.

Later, when I pulled ever-so-gently on a group of still-embedded hairs, a dozen or so came off in my hand. So I stopped pulling on them.

Since I haven't had chemo in several weeks now, I can only assume that the process was started by the radiation treatments.

I don't think there's been any effect on the hair on top of my head, and tugging gently at my mustache hairs does not result in any being pulled out. So it's just the chin stuff.

My rad doc told me this might happen -- and that the chin stuff would probably grow back, since the radiation dosage in that area is fairly light. But the hair along the side-chin lines is, he thinks, a thing of the past.

Not that any of that really matters much -- not in comparison to the other physical issues that are on the horizon. But I thought you might want to know.


  1. Randy:

    1. I like the goatee.

    2. I have no doubt that even beardless you will be as charming as ever.

    3. Yes, I think we can all agree that the loss of some or even all of the beard doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy battle from which you are on track to emerge victorious.

    4. But hey, let's not deny that this is a loss for you. You are allowed to feel it. Do you recall the first time you ever shaved? Has your beard become part of your identity as a male person and/or as a juggler, and maintaining it part of your daily ritual? Would it be fitting to offer it a ritual of goodbye, however small?

    And, as always, thank you for sharing these important moments with your adoring public.


  2. Randy, you may have a "skinny neck" but you have a perfectly shaped head and your face is perfectly lovely as well. Wear it proudly. OH ! Sudden thought, many of my girlfriends who lost their hair had it gwow back curly- ever fancied yourself with an afro beard? If the moustache continues to hold its own, you can grow it really long and with the use of some hair product you could create a sort of facial comb over!
    I will expend my energy from here on sending "feel well abd be well wishes" rather than teasing you about your hair. Furthermore, beside "hair today gone tomorrow" this wasnt really so bad.
