Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No Nodalities!

My wonderful sister has this analogy about living with cancer. Which I think I've reported in an earlier posting on this blog...

She says that living with cancer is living on a roller coaster. Sometimes (like after a "clean bill of health" from your doc), it's like the car getting pulled up to the very top of the hill. And before you know it, you're on the downward slope (like the doc saying things like "We were surprised to see that..." or "We'll want to run that test again..."). And the key to maintaining mental health is just to remember that every down is matched with an up and vice versa.

So, after yesterday's disappointment, don'cha know that Deb and I paid a visit to our Ear/Nose/Throat doc, who carefully fondled the entire site around where the primary tumor was found. And he announced that he had found no nodalities.

Which means no bumps in doctor-ese.

Which means that nothing significant has grown in the primary site (that is, my left cheek/jaw/neck area) since treatment started.

As with the last time he did this and found nothing new, there are (at least) two ways to look at this: one, that the cancer is entirely removed and nothing is there to grow. Two, that any growth has simply been retarded by the radiation and chemotherapy.

But at this point, it really doesn't matter. His having found anything would have been devastating. But he didn't find anything. And that's what counts.

Somebody say "Amen!"


  1. I vote door number one: that the cancer is entirely removed and erradicated.
    Hope your neckal area starts healing quickly and your mucous returns to its original mucosity as I have no doubt you will both develop very sore buttal areas for a while as you sit on pins and needles. I know my butt has been a increasingly sore through all this as I join you on the prickly ride.
    Keep up the good work. Ellen

  2. Randy -

    This is wonderful news! A chance to breathe freely for at least a few moments. You know the story about the guy getting chased by a tiger? He gets to the edge of the cliff, the tiger is approaching rapidly, and he decides to jump. He catches a branch on the way down, and as he hangs there, he notices wild strawberries growing within his reach. He pulls one and eats it and for a moment basks in the delicious taste.

    Living in the moment! As one of your wonderful friends noted, we have to open ourselves up to these moments. As you are clearly doing.

