Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Latest Hospital Overnight

Going to the Hospital to have the blood clot issues looked after -- especially when I understood the potential seriousness of the condition -- was a no-brainer. I needed meds and monitoring.

And armed with what I thought was Newfound Enlightment about Hospital Overnight Survival, I tried to settle into resting -- and gratefully accepting sleep if it decided to show up, but not counting on it.

My roommate was a rather boisterous type, which made this strategy seem even more like a good idea.

Turned out that he was a tennis fan (like me), and so the two of us could keep our TV's tuned to Wimbeldon. No conflict -- and great tennis!! And he decided to turn in for the night at the same time as I did. So both TV's went off at almost exactly the same time.

And our room was sufficiently far from the Nurses Station that the night-long chatter was significantly less noticeable than my previous two stays.

And it turned out that he slept quietly and deeply. As I did.

Goes to show.


  1. On reading the last three posts, I am stunned by your courage, as in that classic definition: grace under pressure.

  2. Randy,
    Your attitude is amazing. Must have been a good pita sandwich!
    I am sorry that your roller coaster ride is the real deal. Was hoping for the merry-go-round with the the minimally predictible ups and downs. Maybe you need to ask the support nurses for a pass to the kiddie rides for a bit.
    Stay strong. Drink a milkshake.

  3. Randy,

    I'm so glad you were able to rest deeply! Yes, you have such courage and are inspiring to me, more than I can say. I like the idea of the kiddie rides. I'll bet you wouldn't even be bored by that at this point :)

    Love and Light to you and Deb,

