Tuesday, July 14, 2009

There Will Be an Answer -- Ulcer Ease!

I've posted several times that one major challenge at this stage of my therapy regimen is the ulcer under my tongue. The X-rays used in my radiation treatment scatter off a filling in one of the molars on the lower left side of my mouth. (This is likely the same filling that has caused some uncertainty about the location and size of the primary tumor, as it is located in the same area. The word "unfortunate" comes to mind..) The scattered X-rays have been beating up the under side of my tongue, creating the ulcer.

I have an amazing variety of mouthwashes now, including a concoction that all my docs refer to as "Magic Mouthwash." But none of them could give me any reasonable relief from pain. And I'd prefer not to take a pill which would provide all-over-my-body pain relief, when the only distressed area is the size of a dime located right... here.

Anyway, I've mentioned this condition to my chemo doc and my E/N/T doc, but their suggested remedies were not helpful. Not even the "Magic Mouthwash."

But a nurse at the radiation treatment facility gave me a small bottle labeled "Ulcer Ease," that really seems to do the trick.



  1. What if the amalgam filling were replaced by a compsite filling? Would that eliminate the reflection of radiation problem? - H

  2. YAY! Minimize pain- always good- helps healing. If the ulcer ease stops being effective try campho phenique with your medical professionals approval. This is info I hope you dont end up needing.
