Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Weather

Those of you in the Philadelphia and Baltimore areas already know this. The rest of you may want to know that the weather here over the last four days has been perfect for convalescence.

Any warmer in the afternoon and I would probably start perspiring -- an uncomfortable thought as the incisions in my neck work their way (very nicely!) down their path to healing. Any cooler in the morning or evening and I would have to cover up more completely than I would wish -- covering the wound area with clothing that could abrade the incisions.

But as it is, Deb and I have had windows open for most of the day, with the gentlest of breezes wafting through, often laden with the sweet smells of spring. Ah.

1 comment:

  1. We have a lilac bush by the front steps that is in full bloom with the most wonderful fragrance. Yes indeed, the sweet smells of spring...

