Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back Home

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. There were a number of times, leading up to the procedure and now recovering from it when I felt I can "tap into" this marvelous pool of love and caring. And several times -- as described in
future posts -- when such tapping was deeply helpful.

(It turned out to be two days' recovery in the hospital rather than one, but that was not unexpected. And writing this note is just a quick episode between naps.)

The operation seems to have gone quite smoothly. (I wasn't paying much attention, truth be known.) The inscision site is completely pain free (without any pain medication!), but it's tough to swallow at the moment -- I am told, because of a tube that was down my throat for most or all of the surgery. So that should pass fairly soon.

There are a couple of relatively minor post-operative consequences to the surgery that I will relate later. (After yet another nap.)

Our decision to have the operation done locally by Dr. Chuma feels completely justified -- many of the nurses and medical staff said approving things about the appearance of incision site. And it was so nice that Deb could have friends around her for the surgery and aftermath and dash back and forth to the house to get stuff done and retrieve a few things that I asked for. Things that wouldn't have been possible, say, at Johns Hopkins.

The biopsy samples are off to the lab and results should be available in a few days. The site of the primary tumor is still unknown, but the biopsy samples may help point the way to the culprit.

I understand more clearly now that this operation was merely a step in clearing this cancer -- a huge one, no doubt, but only one. We knew going into this surgery that the material removed from my neck would be unlikely to include the actual primary tumor, but that the amount and location of any cancerous cells found in this area would help in planning the next step.

There will be decisions made in the hunt for the tumor, and radiation applied to zap it. So there is still much road ahead.

I will never adequately be able to tell you how much your writing, your calling, your texting, and most of all your thoughts and prayers have meant to me. I hope you will stay with me on this journey until it reaches its joyful end.


  1. Randy - So glad to read this. I have been checking email obsessively. Know that you are very much in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thanks. A lot of us have been tuning in to the blog. Rest up laddybuck!

  3. Randy,

    Glad to hear that all went well. Keep napping!

    Dawn and Ed

  4. Randy, good job so far. Deb, you, too!


  5. Randy - I was so relieved to see your posting and hear that the surgery had gone well. Headed back to the Adirondacks tomorrow for a few days to get the business up and running (or crawling, for the time being). That is by far the place I personally find the most healing energy and I will be sure to direct it your way. I will also continue to send loving thoughts and keep tabs on you via your blog. Keep plugging, Randy.
    With love, Connie

  6. martalbwhite@comcast.netMay 7, 2009 at 5:51 PM

    Randy, I am so happy everything went well! I know you must be happy to be home in Deb's caring hands. I am going away for a dew days but if I get the chance I will check your messages. Keep up your good spirits!

  7. Hi Randy and Deb. There has been much abuzz among our class emailing wondering what was up, so I am so glad you posted :) Of course I will walk this journey with both of you! It started LONG before 2006 with all of us and I can't wait to see how beautifully it all goes. Sleep is SO recooperative. ZZZZZZ. Nap as desired and needed. I will be away until 5/17, and will continue to send healing, loving, peaceful, energy to both of you to be heald in the Arms of Love and Care and Light.



  8. Dear Randy,
    I am so glad to hear from you. The last two days have seemed long waiting to hear how it went. Taking care of yourself - napping, nourishing your body and soul and wonderful healers. I send you beaming light and healing energy to you. I leave on Monday for Seattle for a visit with my daughter. I will return on May 20th. I will stay close in touch.
    Love and hugs,
    Donna H. Rochester

  9. Randy,
    I'll never celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the same way. Your are in my thoughts and prayers all the time.

  10. Hi Randy -

    It was great to hear your voice yesterday over the hum of Harford Road! I found a good website about watering orchids.

    Rainwater is better than tap water. So another project - a rain barrel for your orchid!

    love and virtual hugs

  11. Great news, Randy. I am visiting the grandchildren and sharing the computer so I just received this Friday morning. You and Deb take care of each other and find healing in restful naps and all the love coming your way. Keep us posted, er,,,blogged. We care. Nancy

  12. Glad it went well Randy. Best of luck going forward.

    Leslie and John

  13. Greetings Randy,

    It's great to hear you are back home. I was just about to head into juggling club, and I thought I'd check up on how you were doing.

    Grace and Peace,
    David D.

  14. Randy,

    It is wonderful to hear that things are moving forward as anticipated without complications. You have been in my hart and I look forward to seeing you soon in good health and good spirits. Strength comes from many sources and it is apparent that you have drawn that strength to you from a multitude of these sources. Love, friendsip, Inner peace and hope. Much Love.
