Saturday, May 23, 2009

Medical Update - 5/23/09

Gentle readers, I haven't blogged much about my medical status recently and I feel I should tell you why:

I have the great privilege of having outstanding medical personnel working on my behalf. At the moment, however, there is some disagreement among these folks as to the best way to proceed from here. More surgery? Maybe. Chemotherapy and radiology as quickly as possible? Maybe. But these two approaches may be mutually exclusive.

And as of last Thursday, there seems to be a new question as to the proper pathological interpretation of the biopsy slides from my big-deal neck operation of several weeks ago. And the treatment options change markedly with the interpretation of the slides...

While this uncertainty produces a certain level of anxiety, I am glad that we have a week or two left in my recuperation-from-surgery period so we can get it straightened out. So my actual path towards medical healing is not being slowed down drastically -- and we have this time to make sure we proceed in the best way possible.

So I would tell you more about what's going on and what's planned, but I might well have to post something considerably different the very next day.

Thank you all again for caring and loving and praying. And for sharing your thoughts by "Commenting" in my blog. It's delightful to think that your words are being carried to so many people that you don't know -- but I'm sure you would like a lot if you knew them... Kind of a great big verbal "get acquainted" barbecue. Without the messy sauce...


  1. Randy, Glad you posted. I was wondering what was going on. Know how much you are loved, Deb, too. I am also praying for wise discernment for you and your medical teams and for lots of fun and joy for the Holiday weekend!

  2. randy, first off let me apologize for my not using proper capitalization and using abbreviations in my writing. this is a habit i have developed over time! it makes writing easier and faster! well, i finally got to read ur health blog. i liked all the details about the mri journey. u r quite a story teller. i think u should have been a writer instead of a juggler! like all ur other friends, my thoughts and prayers will be with u as u go through this journey. U WILL SURVIVE THIS. zara

    ps. grammar/spelling corrections are welcomed!

  3. randy, martha and emily are away until saturday, but i'm holding the fort and am here for you and deb, if there's anything i can do ...

    keep tacking!


  4. Hi Randy,
    This is my first attempt at blogging. Oh to get caught up with the 21st century. So I hope it works.
    I send love and hugs to you and Deb. A candle is lit right now for you and Deb. I will light a candle each day.
    Sending love.
