Monday, May 4, 2009

"Commenting" on the Blog -- Revisited

Okay, a number of you sweet people have told me that you're having trouble leaving Comments on the blog. Which suggests that even more people are having this difficulty and just haven't mentioned it yet. So here's a couple of suggestions. (Please refer to last month's posting about Comments if you need a refresher for some of this):

-- rather than listing your made-up URL with one period (as in "") try listing it with two periods (as in ""). This whole URL thing goes beyond my comfort and competence level, but I think this helps. It seemed to be the key to getting Deb into the system.

-- Another one of your choices for "Comment as" is "Anonymous." That way is a bit easier than posting as "Name/URL," but it displays your comment -- undestandably -- as "Anonymous," and I would love to know who you are!! So if you choose to do this Anonymous route, please embed your name within the message that you leave.

And to you very clever people who have mastered this "Comment" challenge, please feel free to Comment on this posting with suggestions, so that others can take advantage of your cleverness.

In any case, many thanks to all of you who have successfully posted Comments, to those of you who have tried to post Comments without success, and those of you who have given serious consideration to posting Comments. Thinking about all of you helps me remember that I am a part of a Healing Community, and that the love and caring we share makes the Universe a better place to be.


  1. Just testing the posting procedure.

  2. Randy's suggestion about posting as anonymous is a good one, especially if you don't want to create an online account. I would suggest, however, that if you don't have one, creating a Google account and using that to post is the next best thing.

  3. This is what I did...
    1. Wrote my comment in the "Post a Comment" block.
    2. Selected "Name/URL" in the "Comment as" drop down box.
    3. Typed my name in the "Name" field.
    4. Left the "URL" field blank.
    5. Hit the "Post Comment" button.
    6. Typed in the funny squiggly word.
    7. My comment appeared like magic!

  4. As always, it is so great to hear your voice through your words. I used to think that technology kept us further from each other but now am beginning to see how it has a role in the universe's plan to keep us connected. My old school Italian mama suggested praying to St. Blaise-the patron saint of...well throats so that being said, I went old school and prayed to him for you. May all your prayers be heard no matter who receives them. Give my best to Deb. Love Marcele
