Sunday, May 31, 2009

Got them Blog-Post Commenting Blues?

Okay, several people have mentioned to me that they are having trouble commenting on the blog. That the process seems unnecessarily complicated.

Well, actually it is. But for a good reason. All these steps have been put into the Commenting process to keep automated spamming software from clogging blogs worldwide. (Had any spam e-mails lately? The same folks that send you that junk would love to fill up blogs with the same stuff.) So "Commenting" may be a bit annoying to begin with, but once you get the hang of it, it's really not too bad. And it really does make a lot of sense -- once you understand the spamming threat.

So here's the steps again to publish a "Comment" -- including a note as to where most people are probably getting hung up!

  1. Click on the word "Comments" at the bottom of the posting where you'd like to leave a message. This opens up a "Post a Comment" box with three actions you need to perform -- in the right order!
  2. Write what you want to say inside the box, and please write your name at the end of this message. (Just so I know who you are!)
  3. Don't try to "Post Comment" yet!! There's one more thing you have to do!! I think this is the step where most people get confused. Just breathe deeply and have confidence in your work. And trust me.
  4. Directly under your Comment, there is a "Comment as: Select Profile" line. You need to fill this in for the anti-spamming reason stated above. If you click the little check box next to "Select Profile," you will be offered several choices. The easy one is "Anonymous" -- which is okay to select, since you've already told me (and the rest of our blogosphere) who you are at the end of your message.
  5. Okay, now you can click on "Post Comment." When you do this, a "Word Verification" box opens up, showing a string of letters written in a wavy typeface. (You and I can read these letters, but the automated spamming software can't. So this step is an important security feature -- not just an annoyance.) Re-enter the wavy letters in the box provided.
  6. Then, just click "Finish." And you're done. And you're an official blogging wizard!! Doesn't that feel good?


  1. My my... you do blog in the wee hours!

    I can master this comment process -- it is just the shy-person bit that creates obstacles for me. I am following your posts and cheering you on. And to be a good sport, I am commenting instead of emailing!

    Hope you have reclaimed even more of your wonderful, interesting self today, and more again tomorrow -- starting at whatever hour of the morning suits you best :)


  2. Gwenn (and others): please don't be impressed with the "wee hours" attached to these postings. I'm not sure what time zone they represent, but it certainly isn't the East Coast of the USA!

  3. Randy,
    This is "Woodie the Woodman"...your dentist!
    It was good seeing you, yesterday, to see your good skin colorand its tone, and to hear the good news of treatment! I am encouraged for you, and I have been around this stuff for the past 35 years....with family as well my friends.
    Oh, patients are my friends! not just "incomeproducingnumbersinachart".
    As you mentioned, you have always been an introvert, well, maybe most of the time, but you had to come out of your shell to woo your Bride!!! I know I had to with mine. Anyway, you said that THAT has beed ripped away from you...GREAT! Now you can live more fully and share more deeply! All of us are examples for one another, so our lives can be templates for others. The things we learn (mostly the "hard way") are speed bumps for us and when shared become "avoidable pot holes" for others because we had an opportunity to show them how to handle them!
    I almost lost my life on December 18th, 2007. Surgery saved me. As I recouperated I analysed my life and what is it that we really do here. As a Dentist I have that tool that I use in the service of others. Jesus said, "you take care of mine and I'll take care of you". So, I have dentistry as a service tool and woodworking also as a tool hich I also use to serve others and also to sooth "the savage beast" inside me!
    I figured out that with dentistry I can only Educate, Motivate and Fix...that's all it is and that's a great understanding of a gift.
    Since I am on a roll and sharing powerful lessons that may help you, I will share another then try to post and send this!
    I went to a Catholic College in Wheeling West (buy God) Virginia in the 60's. Fr. J Donald Freeze, SJ was department chairman of Philosophy and taugh our class Metaphysics.....real tough but I loved it and love him too....he became a hero while at school and later a mentor as the years went by. My last occasion with him was a diiner that we shared in Baltimore 8 years ago.
    I was a nervous wreck and he noticed that I was full of anxiousness, fears, frustrations and uneasiness. So, during dinner he told me this which completely changed my life and has helped me through many crises. Father Don said, "you need balance in your life. If you only live in the pAST you are OLD! If you only live in the PRESENT you will have no depth to your life because you can only live by situational Ethics and will discover NO values or Principles of life. If you only live in the FUTURE you are insane because there id NO future. So, if you LEARN the values and Principles in your past and through HISTORY, you will be abile to apply those Values and Principles to the PRESENT, giving depth of understanding of your life and those you serve around you, and you can set valuable and attainable goals and plans for the futute!" Then he added, "the only Theoplogy that you need is this: You must know that there IS a GOD and he loves you more than you can possibly imagine and he FORGIVES you!!!!! AND! HE wants (not needs), but WANTS your help. How you ask?, by serving others and leading them to HIM.
    Randy, I have had a second chance at life. I now open up completely to others. I share what I have discovered. I share how I feel about them, in a positive way. I reach out and embrace...if I'm embraced back...good for us. If not, good for me with more to share with the next one and sorry for them that missed it!
    So, Randy, You are getting it!! Embrace all the lessons and every scent, sight and sound of life and know that HE is in control. My prayer for you is; may God continue to Bless you and show you all the values of life as you heal!
    Love ya man!

  4. Dear Randy and all who are struggling with this "Post a Comment" function,

    I figured it out! The problem is with Internet Explorer. Now that I've opened your blog in FIREFOX, I have no problem getting through the anti-spam steps and posting my comments. Hooray!

    So now, without further ado, I respectfully invite your kind attention to the top-secret transfer of $25 million in U.S. funds which are presently trapped in Nigeria into your personal/company offshore account....

