Monday, May 4, 2009

Schedule for Surgery and Stay-Over

Just got word from the hospital: my surgery is scheduled to start at 12:30PM tomorrow (that is, Tuesday May 5). And Dr. Chuma has informed me previously that it should last roughly two hours. Any and all supportive thoughts and prayers -- then or now or later -- are gratefully accepted.

I'm only scheduled to spend one night in the hospital, so stopping in there for a visit doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'll write more as soon as I know more.


  1. Almost noon on Tuesday, the 5th, as I write. You are probably asleep now. We are with you and sending prayers, healing energies and warm thoughts about, to and for a remarkable person. May Dr. Chuma, too, be blessed today.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  3. Thought about you and Deb all afternoon. Will continue to hold you both in the Light!

  4. Hoping you are now resting comfortably in bed, being served really awful hospital food :)
    I am with you in spirit - Love, Donna P.

  5. Hi Deb and Randy. I know our class was with you both today, sending love and healing. I look forward to a good report and how everything went. I'm continuing to send love and healing and you were especially on my mind and heart during the surgery time. Keeping you both in my prayers, too.


  6. Randy
    I thought about you so much yesterday and last night, and have been sending healing energy and love your way. I hope to hear that your outcome is as favorable as mine was last week and I'll continue to look forward to that hug in June. I will continue to hold you in my heart and in my thoughts.
    With love,
