Monday, May 18, 2009

Orchid Update #2

Given the recent bout of chilly and/or windy weather, Deb and I have been taking our orchid plant (see previous "Orchid" postings) in and out fairly frequently. Out for the sunshine -- in for protection. Several times a day on occasion.

And it occurred to me today that we might as well give the plant a name. We've named a considerable number of objects around our house, including our GPS (whose name is "Mildred"), and the plant has become special to both of us.

So I asked Deb: "What would you think about giving a name to the orchid?"

And she responded immediately: "Blanche. It's been Blanche since it first showed up here."

(For those of you without a dictionary handy, let me explain that the word "blanche" derives from the French and that derives from the Latin. And it means "white." And given the stunningly white blossoms that the plant produces, the name is entirely appropriate. Deb knows these sorts of things without resorting to a dictionary. It's one of her many appealing qualities.)

So there you have it.


  1. Randy and Deb -

    I knew Blanche was going to a good home! She's very lucky.


  2. Raaaaaaaaaandyyyyyy, Its Tuesday- this is dated Monday-Tuesday is slipping away too, tick tick tick ....
    Yours Truly
    (PS no pressure)

  3. Randy and Deb -

    I'm thinking of you both every day. If you don't always see my posted comments, know that I am checking the blog daily and am constantly emanating love your way.

    Randy, your growing blog fan base now includes David (still an employed journalist) and Paige (B.A., Drama, ever since Sunday), who listened with rapt concern and caring to my detailed update. Both have bookmarked your blog.

    And I am back from Ithaca, unemployed actress in tow, and am ready to start researching and questioning again....if only for my own peace of mind.

    Speaking of peace, bless y'all and Blanche and the kindness of strangers on this beautiful spring day.

