Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Medical Update -- 5/12/09

Well, tomorrow (Wednesday the 13th) promises to be a big day. I see my E/N/T doc at 8:10 AM, and he's promised to take the 25 staples out of the left side of my neck. (This seems to be the way one closes a large incision, as opposed to stitching closed a small one.) For the last week that part of my anatomy has looked like an unfortunate cross between a cheap sci-fi flick "special effect," an ill-planned effort at goth glory, and an exhibit at a medical convention. (BTW, got photos if you want 'em...)

The healing has gone extremely well, and the doc (who was also the surgeon) said the other day that the incision looks "fantastic." Still, I am sooooo looking forward to this! I will have the option of sleeping on my left side as well as my right side for the first time in a week.

Also, by then, Dr. Chuma should have the biopsy reports back from the tissue samples he removed last Tuesday, so we should be able to start planning the next steps in my treatment. In just a few words, he could lift my spirits immensely or simply reset my resignation to staying with the course -- "putting one foot in front of the other."

So your thoughts and prayers are invited tonight and tomorrow morning. I will post what happens at our visit as soon as I can.


  1. Sometimes the good Lord feels the need to gently shake us and remind us of what is truly important in life. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day living that we forget to live. Randy, your writings are an inspiration and I can only hope that were I in your position I could embrace life and love the way you have. Prayers have been and will continue to be with you.

  2. Randy, again I feel the need to express what gratitude we the readers are feeling with regards to your blog. Your generosity, your candor, vulnerability... shine through. You are an inspiration, truly. Thank you for doing that which so many cannot do, & those in similar situation wish they could.. but cannot for whatever reason. Thanks for giving voice to the voiceless, & a face & soul to all those who have been touched by cancer. We are privileged to know you & accompany you on this journey. Thank you for allowing us in.
