Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Debbie's Bunnies

(One item in the very long list of nice things about having Deb as a spouse is that she came equipped with three different names: "Deb," "Debbie" and "Deborah." And each of them get used often in this household. However, when it comes to the lady in question and bunnies, the clear choice name is "Debbie.")

And oh, make no mistake about this! These are Debbie's Bunnies!

Debbie spotted them first. She makes sure that the back yard gates are closed -- keeping out the dogs and cats. She puts messages on the back stairs, imploring our tenants to keep their cat inside. (Tibbi -- the cat in question -- is well past actually doing any damage to the bunnies, but could certainly frighten the little guys and mom...) Debbie's the one who scans the back yard with binoculars several times a day to check on things. And she's the one who saw the little guys yesterday afternoon -- out from under the butterfly bushes for a late-day stroll and a snack. (Please note that we caught the little guy on the left mid-munch.)

Mommie bunny certainly did -- and continues to do -- her part, but it's Debbie that keeps the larger world as safe as possible for two impossibly cute tiny rabbits.

At 419 W. Union Street in West Chester, PA, bunnies may safely graze.


  1. Dear Randy and Debbie,

    I am so glad that you (Debbie) care for the sweet bunnies' habitate. They are so cute and finally have fur, I see! Randy, thanks for posting this lovely picture and letting us know that it is Debbie who is caring so kindly for the bunnies.



  2. Randy and Debbie - Those two bunnies are ridiculously cute, tiny, and photogenic! They are lucky to have such a great home :)

    Also, I'm behind with my comment posting, but didn't want to miss telling you how moved I was by the 6 minute juggling video. Randy, you are correct that by the time you said that everyone wants to be a juggler deep down inside and go into the supermarket and throw some fruit around, I found myself saying "yes!" (I had no idea I had this deep desire...). Thank you!
    Donna P.


  4. Hey Randy,
    I heard a song on the radio the other day that says exactly what I feel about the impact of your writing in this ongoing story--the one about the journey you and Deb are on. There's this boy walking down the road, carrying his guitar, and he gets picked up by another older musician in a sharp car, and the refrain goes like this: "He said, 'Boy, can you make folks feel like you feel inside?'" Wish I knew the name of the song; I think it might have been about Hank Williams, but I know it's also about the magic of what you are doing here.
