Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Biopsy Report

My E/N/T/ doc called me late this morning with the results of the biopsy of the bump on my jaw.

It's been analyzed as a squamous cell cancer which is, as I understand it, totally unrelated to the salivary duct cancer that started all this. (I will ask the doc about a possible relationship between the two when I see him next.)

Squamous cell skin cancer, according to my doc, is the second-most common type of cancer and is easily treated -- especially when discovered early, which this one certainly was.

I have an appointment to see my doc on Monday to talk over the procedure for the removal of the cancer. And he's set up an appointment on Tuesday morning for the actual operation. Local anaesthesia at the local surgery center. Probably a couple of stitches (which this guy is really good at!). No need for a visit to the hospital.

It sounds like we can chalk this one up as simply being a small bump on the road to recovery...

(And many thanks to all of you who posted your own anxieties, good wishes, excellent suggestions and offers to come and sleep on our front porch.)


  1. Hi Randy - Thanks for the update on the biopsy. I'm feeling a mixture of relief and exasperation (for crying out loud, isn't one cancer enough? ). I guess the universe thinks you are pretty good at juggling multiple things...

    You and Deb are close to my heart.
    Lots of love,
    Donna P.

  2. Whew!

    Love and prayers, Anne

  3. Randy -
    I had my sleeping bag packed and ready to go but I'm so glad I didn't have to use it! Hang in there, Randy, this will all be worth it .

  4. Uncrossing fingers now but will keep them crossed mentally till you're all done this.

  5. The mass exhale is audible.

    Thank God you are blogging through this experience. I am grateful to be a part of your community of friendship and support as you keep on living through this.


  6. Hi Randy,

    I have nothing profound to say...I am thrilled you are OK! I love what Martha wrote ealier about coming to your house...made me tear up.



  7. keep on tacking ...


  8. Keep trusting yourself Randy.... You are doing a profound and beautiful job of healing.
