Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chemo Brain and Other Side Effects

I mentioned in the most recent posting a phenomenon called "Chemo Brain." There was some discussion -- in person as well as in Comments to the blog -- about this.

So I Googled the term and found a pretty good description of what I'd been feeling. And you can read more about it by clicking here:

And goodness knows that my age has something to do with getting a little mentally foggy at times. My wife... ummm... you know -- what's-her-name... has mentioned this. At least I think she did.

But it's something of a relief to be able to blame my memory lapses on something other than just getting on in years. And by the sound of the above write-up, others get hit with this a lot harder than I have!

A couple of other "looking up" updates on that most recent report can also be reported:

I have stopped biting my tongue and cheek. It's taken a couple of weeks of increased awareness and care as well as a decrease in swelling of my tongue, but things are finally coming around in this regard -- and what a relief it is!

And my taste buds continue returning to normal. Foods can be a bit more spicy than they have been, and the occasional glass of wine tastes almost normal.

Both of these "return to normal" phenomena remind me that there is yet more healing to be done, and that my body continues to do just that.

And so the adventure continues.


  1. Randy, I'm DELIGHTED to hear that your eating and drinking experience is now approaching normal! Yahoo!

    And thanks for the link to the description of chemo brain....which sounds an awful lot like A.D.D. I wonder if some of the coping tips used for A.D.D. adults might also be useful for you. We can talk about this sometime if we remember when we get together what it was we meant to talk about.


  2. Randy: I think your chemo brain is likely equivalent to most people's regular you are on par with the rest of us!
    Donna P.

  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! Healing and well-being are your natural state! I agree with what Donna P. said, too. love, Diane

  4. HOORAY!!!!! VERY good news!!!
