Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blood Clot? What Blood Clot?

Well, it's almost that good!

I had a sonogram on my right leg yesterday. The technician was very meticulous -- moving the probe back and forth, stopping often, going back over territory she had already examined. And I figured that this was not good news -- that she was finding all sorts of interesting stuff that she wanted to image thoroughly.

Boy, was I wrong. If anything, she was probably looking to find anything interesting and abnormal to image.

My experience with sonograms has been that, after the probe session is over, the technician conducting the probe won't comment on what he/she has seen, saying something along the lines of "The results are for the doctor to determine and explain to you." But this young lady felt quite comfortable in voluneteering "The blood clot is almost completely cleared. And it looks much better than your last scan. So it's quite likely that it will continue to dissolve and then just disappear."


She also said that my body had been producing new veins to bypass the area that had been blocked by the clot. I was truly amazed and delighted: anything that my 62-year-old body does that's new and helpful is something to be celebrated.

So, final word on this may come on Thursday, when I see my doc responsible for treating the clot. And he may tell me to stop taking the blood thinner (Coumadin) and ditch the compression stockings. While only a minor nuisance compared to the other stuff I've had to do over the last six months, it would certainly be a relief to hear him say that these two clot treatment procedures are officially done with.

I will let you know in a couple of days how it goes.

Hoping that your holiday season is going well -- and that you truly have much to be thankful for.

I know I do.


  1. Yeah! Enjoy the golf!


  2. So much good news. So much blessed normalcy. Even with the doc's official word still to come, it's obvious your body is healing and recovering like nobody's business. And such timing!! I am envisioning your compression stocking decked with tiny bells, hung from the mantel, and filled with mu-shu pork on Christmas morning...

  3. Hi Randy,

    Isn't it so beautiful how your body so wants to be in aliveness and balance that it adapts to the disharmony (clot) by creating new veins, re-establishing the wonderful blood flow while still working to disolve the clot!? Your body, like a well-tuned symphony, harmonizing togther with the coumandin and compression stocking, your Loving Energy and Healing Energy around you to create wellness and well-being! It is yours! I have sweet graditute for you, your docs. and others in your life that continue to contribute to your vibrant health!

    And I love what Lisa said :) If you do this, please take a picture to share/post.


    Hey, How's blanche? What will her Christmas outfit be? Tiny red bulbs, green maybe? ...An aray of different colors or just a sophisticated smattering of tinsel stategically placed?

  4. Hi Randy: Well, I have to join this conga line of good wishes and fun--I just love what Lisa and Diane have said! And we need pictures! And tinsel! And pictures of tinsel!
    Donna P.
