Tuesday, November 3, 2009

He Was Right. Again.

That's my surgeon I'm talking about. The guy who told me he was going to pull my food tube out. And I didn't believe him. But he did it.

Warning: the next part of this posting is a bit icky. It may be, to borrow Ron's term "a bit more than [you] needed to know." But I don't think it's as icky as the last posting. In any case, you've been warned and here it comes:

My surgeon also told me that I didn't have to worry about the hole left behind in my tummy -- unless I started feeling real pain in that area. That my body would quickly form a "plug" (my term) in that hole, which would hold everything (including my lunch...) in place until scar tissue closed the hole over on a permanent basis.

Aaaaannnnd did I believe him this time? Of course not.

Aaaaannnnd did I feel anxious and a bit queasy for the next day or two after the food tube removal? You betcha.

But everything is working just like he said. I have a small bandage over the area in question, but it comes off dry every time Deb and I change it.

It's his job to know what he's doing, do it effectively and professionally, and explain to his patients when they ask him questions. (And he's doing well at this!)

It's my job to ask the questions and have faith in his competence. (I'm pretty good at the first part of this. And getting better at the second part.)

Finally, the surgeon told me that it would take about two weeks for the permanent scarring to take place. I guess I'll believe him on this one. Given the above...

There are many times in life where the word "uneventful" is a welcome one.

And this is one of those times.


  1. Dear Mr. Remarkable,

    Sounds like your body knows how to heal and is still very good at it after all it's been subjected to. Pretty inspiring.

    I have to admit, as one of the ickophiles in your gallery, I was kinda hoping for at least a few hypothetical icky images. (Like for example, what exactly did you mean by "my lunch"? I mean if you show the audience a punctured stomach in Act I, don't you think that by Act III....oh never mind.)

    Anyway, three cheers for "uneventful"! I'm all for it.


    P.S. Any truth to the rumors that you'll be pitching in Game 7?

  2. Hi Randy,

    I agree with Lisa about your body Healing and I must have a high tolerance for the "ick" factor. Remember, my first expereince of you was your description of your "trip" to Costa Ricca (SP?) and the "vistitor" that decided to come to the US via you! Details are always welcome, whatever you want to share :) Updates on Blanche and Moo shoo Pork please. Love to you and Deb,

