Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Crushing Realization

Well, yesterday was to be a Big Day. Hanging with Frosty and Rudolph at the Exton Square Mall...

But what a stunning and disappointing surprise awaited.

I showed up early (I love to be early for gigs!) with my bright red pants, dark green shirt, gold sparkly vest and bowler hat -- my normal attire for this event -- and started looking around for the other two stars of the show: Rudolph and Frosty. but they were nowhere in sight. I thought we could have some pre-parade Shop Talk, pose for photos together, sign a few autographs, maybe share some hot chocolate. You know, buddy stuff. Think George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

Well! When they finally showed up, don't you know that they decided to hang together 'way over there and not come anywhere close to me. Not a word between us, not even a nod of recognition.

Les trois etoiles de la saison indeed. Obviously, they decided to go downtown on me.

Is it jealousy on their part? Fear of sharing the spotlight with a relative newcomer? I dunno...

But hey, that's showbiz. Maybe, as Ethel Merman once sang, "Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star." But maybe next day on your dressing room they've hung a sign saying "Room for Rent."

For every glorious moment in the showbiz spotlight there's a million heartbreaks -- and this has been one of them.

Hey, who needs them. Right? So I picked up my props and went about my job -- hiding the pain and disappointment as best I could. "Cause I'm a trouper. I can rise above the pettiness of these old has-beens and make my own way in the world of showbiz. I'll show 'em what a lean, mean juggling machine can do in this dog-eat-dog world of ours.

No bitterness. Nope. I'm beyond that. I got a job to do.

I mean, who cares about Frosty and Rudolph in June or July -- which are my busiest months? Hmmm?

(Maybe I should talk to the Mall's marketing people about next year's newspaper ad. What do you think?)


  1. Heres what I think- I think 2 young friends were frosty and rudolph and were far too cool, adolescent and self absorbed to ask you to join in any reindeer games. I also cannot help but ask in my ever so accusing voice "DID YOU APPROACH THEM? DID YOU ASK THEM TO JOIN IN YOUR REINDEER GAMES?"
    no signature necessary here, but just in case, sincerely, Ellen

  2. Maybe they were feeling awed and respectful? Or obviously outclassed? Or wary of the torches and chainsaws?

  3. Was it fun anyway? How many kids got to spin plates this year? Poor Rudolph and Frosty...missing out on getting to know you!



  4. I agree that they were awed by such a grand entertainer. Just hope you had fun!


  5. I saw you at the mall that day (I was a quiet observer in the background ingesting a chick-fil-a sandwich) and I thought you were FANTASTIC, and that snowman and reindeer were clearly intimidated by your wellspring of talent. Don't take it personally! That's the life of a STAR...just ask George, Brad and Julia.
