Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So Let Me Introduce to You...

each other.

A number of people have asked me, "Who is so-and-so? The person who writes such wonderful things on your blog?" And I would love to help all of you who are interested to know who's who -- and maybe help you get in touch with each other.

(I'm in the middle of listing the names of people who have commented on this blog. So far, the tally stands at 36 people. 36 people!! I'm absolutely astonished and more grateful than ever for your participation.)

There are several ways I can do this:

-- I can list your names (probably alphabetically) and then indicate who you are in relationship to me. Family, fellow students from Meadville, dear friends and so forth.

-- As an option to the above, I can include your e-mail address within the posting, which would enable any blog reader to click on the address and chat with that person directly. I would certainly check with each of you to make sure you were comfortable with having your e-mail address posted before I proceeded with this.

-- I can keep this information in a Word file, and send it via e-mail to whomever asks for it. "Whomever" necessarily being someone else on the list of Commenters or someone I knew well and felt good about.

And you may have other ideas for fostering conversations I haven't thought of. Please feel free to make suggestions.

(Slightly off this subject, I can adjust the blog so that you can post directly and not have to comment on something that I've posted. If anyone would like to have that option, please let me know.)

If you'd rather "talk" to me directly rather than via the blog, please feel free to send me an e-mail at: And my telephone number is 610.436.5759. Cell phone number is: 484.639.7510.

Thanks for any input you may have about this!


  1. Great idea, Randy! I'd love to know who some of your "posters" are :) Sounds like you are up to your old tricks again! Select any way that seems to work best for connecting "us".



  2. At this point, I can certainly say that I would trust regular readers of this blog. My (nick)name is Zinc, I'm married to Eileen. Eileen was one of Deb's roomates at Swarthmore. I was one of Randy's roomates at and after Drexel. We live in Massachusetts but we have stayed in contact for the last 39 years or so. e-mail

  3. Hey Randy, any of those ways of introducing are fine with me, and I like the first introduction (above) already! (By the's "send it via e-mail to whoever asks for it"; Deb can tell you why.) - Lisa

  4. Dear Randy - I am fine with any of those ways!

    Love and blessings


  5. i'm john, married 37 years to randy's sister martha, fighting cancer 5 years. martha and i live in baltimore, and share (among many other things) an email account:

  6. gosh I'm late- I was away but I'm Ellen from juggling and I share Lisas preference for e-mail upon request from a trusted source
