Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blanche Update #2

Many of you will -- I hope -- recall that last summer, my ever-so-thoughtful sister sent Deb and me a beautiful orchid with pure white blossoms. As is our habit, we gave the plant a name: Blanche.

Blance luxuriated on our porch for the last half of the summer and all of the fall. During this time, she produced several new blossoms, for a grand total of ten: five per branch on each of her two stems.

In late summer or early fall, Blanche withdrew her support for each of the blossoms -- gradually over the course of several days -- from the distal to the proximal end of each branch. She then withdrew her support from each of the two branches, while growing a new branch on each stem.

She then produced five new blossoms on each of her two new branches. And they were every bit as lovely as the original set of ten.

We have, of course, brought Blanche inside as the weather got colder, and now have her sitting in the light from a south-facing window, to keep her four large, still-healthy leaves properly nourished with sunlight.

Several weeks ago, Blanche decided to withdraw support from the second set of ten blossoms. This leaves her looking rather austere, but still healthy, and the memory of her beautiful blossoms remains vivid in our memories.

And just the other day, she started growing a new branch on one of the two stems. So we may get yet another set of blossoms sometime in the next month or so. But we're not placing any goals or expectations on her. She is now, as she has always been, a splendid addition to our house.

Just as she is. Just as she decides to be.


  1. Randy,

    Thanks for the blanche update. You know I think of her often. I love that she is "just as hse is " and "decides to be". A good lesson for all of us.



  2. Are we to see new pictures of Blanche?

  3. Question was from Sue. This commenting system doesn't like me.

