Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Really Happened to Yesterday's Update...

I'm not likely ever to get a chance at this punchline again, so I'm going for it now:

To begin with, most of you understand how important this blogging has become for me. So many of you have written in thanks for my efforts. Some of you want every detail I can dig up and some of you just want to know how I feel -- and I'm grateful to all of you who care enough to follow the story here.

So blogging is an extremely important, self-assigned project for me that I want to do every day. For you. For me. It helps so much in keeping me "being Randy," in the words of my Angel of the Sandwich Shop.

Now to the events of yesterday afternoon: after posting my "Hair" piece (no pun intended) yesterday, I decided to have a go at posting how the chemo and rad stuff was going. I had 45 minutes until dinner -- should have been enough time.

So I carefully crafted a description of the chemo regimen, the rad regimen, a summary statement, and a "looking forward" section; and then checking them for grammar, punctuation, continuity, and half a dozen other Englishy things that this blog software doesn't do. Whew, I was finally ready to post. Took 40 minutes to compose. And now it's almost dinner time. And bed time immediately afterwards.

Now, to understand what happened next, you need to realize that the Blogspot software automatically saves my deathless prose to their server every several minutes. And that sometimes the file gets corrupted during the transmission. And that the Blogspot software tells me when it received a corrupted version of my posting, but it tells me in a rather inconspicuous place. One that I don't look at often. At least often enough...

Because what I think happened was that, when I clicked on the "Publish Post" button at the bottom of the screen, I was informed that the posting could not be accomplished. And I'm guessing that it was because there was a corrupted version on-file at that moment in the Blogspot server. Darn.

And when I went back to look at the text I had so carefully prepared, it was all gone. Double Darn.

Punchline: my Blog ate my homework.

(Now wasn't that worth all the preceding reading? And it's all true!!)


  1. Oh, Randy ..... good to see you still have your sense of humor!


  2. Phooey!! But I think what you just posted was probably just as informative in its own way. You're the best, bro!


  3. Oh yes, that was worth it!

  4. Randy -

    I found some very easy and pleasant flute and cello duets - transcriptions of Mozart pieces. : )


  5. I hate when that happens.

    As I guess you have figured out, it is safer to compose using a reliable word processor, email client or text editor offline and then paste into the blog. If you use an email client, you can even post directly by email!

  6. You are an inspiration to us all! Keep the faith and to quote Mark Twain, "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."

    Joan Sherman Eustice
    KHS Class of '64
