Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hair -- Part 2

I confess that this is pure ego. But there does seem to be something about people in cancer treatment and concern about their hair.

Count me in that group.

I had the photo on the left taken roughly two weeks ago -- with a beard that might be called the "professorial look."
I had the photo on the right taken about a week ago -- what might be called... oh, I don't know what to call it.
(You can click on either photo for an enlarged image.)

As described in "Hair -- Part 1," I'm told by my rad doc that the part of my beard along the chin line will not grow back by the end of my radiation treatment. So I had my barber trim the beard down to a goatee -- acknowledging the seemingly inevitable.
With time, it may go down to just a mustache, or (Good Grief!) clean-shaven. We'll see...
Comments and suggestions are invited.


  1. Your new look works very well, still professional and with a bonus -- it shows off your dimple!

  2. LOVE the new look!

  3. You look very handsome!

    I've been reading all your postings - must tell you that your descriptions of the chemo room and the radiation room/setup, etc. are almost identical to my experience. Except for the head mask!

  4. Forgot to sign the previous post!

    Love from Anne

  5. I like the new look! Agree with the above post, that your dimple is more noticeable.

  6. I like the new look too, because the old look suits the professor in the classroom (cf. the first Indiana Jones movie), whereas the new look seems younger and suits the desert-adventurer-fossil hunter Randy. Of course, the hat is key. How does the new look fit with the juggler hat as opposed to the fossil hunter hat? Inquiring minds want to know!

  7. Gosh, I always thought you were a handsome creature but the goatee makes you look even more handsome and just plain - cute!!

    Lots of love and prayers as always.

    Oz Kaz xxxxooxx
