Monday, June 22, 2009


Okay, some of you may already know this. If so, please confirm the technique.

Others may be suffering even as you read this. If so, please give this a try.

Others may not believe it -- but I can assure you it worked like a charm the one time I tried it. Here it is:

If you're suffering from hiccups (and I had a really bad case after my chemo sessions last week...) simply take a Kleenex or tissue paper or something similar, douse it in rubbing alcohol, and hold it close under your nose and breathe in. Maybe two or three times.

I'd had hiccups for hours, but just three sniffs of rubbing alcohol, then two residual hiccups and they were outta here!! And didn't show up again. Cool or what?

If you're checked out on this, please leave a comment!! The world is waiting!!


  1. This is great info!!!
    No one fuly appreciates how bad hiccups can be until they have them that wont go away.
    I only know the breathe in paper bag (limited help) and take a "whole bunch: of teeny tiny sips of water in a row (much better help - I htink its the coughing and choking that finally does them in). I will remember this and if it fails you ever, try the water

  2. I've never heard of this method, but I do swear by another one -- a teaspoonful of sugar, swallowed whole. Usually works fast.

    And now I can't wait to hiccup again so I can try the rubbing alcohol method.

    And somehow this reminds me...
    "I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy." - WC Fields

  3. I've heard that if you swallow a maraschino cherry whole, they go away pretty quickly, too. Andrew tends to get them in the summer, I'll remember your post and see how it works for him.
