Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Greetings from Beautiful West Virginia!

Several months ago, I had contracted with the Kanawha County (West Virginia) Public Library System to present a series of eight dinosaur lectures -- one at each of their branch library locations. And it sounded like such fun!

However, given the uncertainty of my treatment regimen -- in particular, when the chemo and rads would start -- I called them several weeks ago and told them I might not be able to make it. And I looked around for a replacement that might be interested in doing the project, but had no luck.

My contact person at the Library understood completely and couldn't have been more supportive. So that was going to be the end of that. Maybe next year...

Until my Angel of the Sandwich Shop showed up. (See "Reclaiming my Life" under the May postings of this very blog.)

And one of the excellent points my Angel made to me was that I needed to continue to be myself. I couldn't allow myself to dwindle until there was nothing left but the disease. As she spoke, I realized that I needed to call the Library Lady back again and tell her in no uncertain terms that I would be there. For all 8 presentations. Unless she had already filled the time slots with some other presentations...

After consulting with her superiors, the Library Lady told me that they would be delighted to have me come and do all 8 branches. Two a day. Tuesday through Friday.

So Deb and I went to Meadville for a weekend at my Healing School (which I still promise to blog about sometime soon...), and drove from there to Charleston WV on the following Monday. Which was yesterday. And we've just finished the first two presentations. Yay!!

"So what?" you may well ask. Well, here's what:

-- it gives me a chance to brag about what a wonderful navigator my wife is. Haven't missed a turn yet!

-- it's given me a chance to interact with some wonderful youngsters -- who will, with any luck, become wonderful paleontologists who may remember back to a library presentation they attended when they were kids growing up in West Virginia.

-- it's given Deb and me a chance to be together for an entire week away from the house and all the obligations which come along with being at home. A vacation in West Virginia (which is every bit as lovely as people say!) and getting paid for being here!

-- it helps explain why I haven't been blogging for a while. Just no time!!

-- it says that I've recognized an opportunity to live my life more completely -- even if it means postponing treatment by a week or so...

-- it lets me tell you that I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to do something that I love to do.

It's extremely unlikely that I will be going to Alberta this summer, but Deb and I are now in the middle of our Annual Dinosaur Trip anyway. It's a lot closer than Alberta, and there are a lot more trees.


  1. Yay Randy!!! (Give me an R - give me an A - give me an N....) Perfect decision -- have fun!

  2. Hi Randy,

    Good to hear so many really alive and cool things from you :) As we / they say at the school, "you're really going for it".

    I could feel the sigh of relief in myself too, when you described Dr. Chuma's exam. of your cheek area!

    Continuing to send Love, Light, Joy, Aliveness and Healing to both you and Deb :)



  3. Randy
    Good for you that you are going for life within the challenge that you face right now. That takes courage and heart, both of which you certainly have a lot of. Be proud of how you are meeting this and know that so many people are loving and supporting you in this journey. Why, you might ask. You brought us all to this place with you. We willingly came because of who you are. So glad to spend some time with you at Full Spectrum last weekend. I will look forward to your visit in the fall. Hang tough, Randy, and don't forget to breathe, to live fully. Also, please keep us up to date on the dinosaur tour - I'm fascinated.
    With love to you both, Connie

    Would love to hear more about your dinosaur program

  4. Hi,

    This is my knowledge about west virginia.

    West Virginia basically is a state in USA, which is denoted as WV, a state that has quite colorful background history to it. Charleston city is not only the capital of West Virginia but also the largest one of Kanawha County. The Charleston city has the dominance of non-Hispanic and the white people. Almost, 5%-10% of the population would be of Asian-Indian, American-Indian, Hispanic and Black.
