Friday, January 1, 2010

Who You Are -- Page 1

Okay, I promised to do this a month or so ago but got distracted and tied up with other stuff. But I've decided that the start of a new year was an excellent time to fulfill old promises. Like this one.

The plan is to describe briefly ten or so "Commenters" to the blog in each of five different postings. Arranged alphabetically.

#1 -- Allison. We start with a toughie: "Allison" only Commented once, and I know two Allisons. (One is my Healer who trained at the Meadville School I've mentioned several times. This Allison strongly recommended that I attend the School, and that experience and working with her have been transformative. The other Allison is a preparator and field worker -- and a buddy -- at the dinosaur museum in Alberta that sponsors the work that Deb and I do each summer.) But Allison's single Comment on the blog didn't sound like either one. So Allison, if you're still out there, please get back in touch and let me know who you are. Please! (E-mail address is posted below.)

#2 -- Anne Higgins. Anne is a lifelong friend of Deb's and has become an important friend of mine as well. Anne is a sister in the Daughters of Charity and the author of "The Juggler" poem that I posted in December. Anne is a cancer survivor herself, having undergone treatment six months or so ahead of me. So her Comments on the blog and person-to-person were like headlights for me: "Randy, here's what may be coming next." It was enormously helpful to me, and her words often echoed in my head during many doctors' visits and treatment sessions. People like Anne are a reason that so many folks come through cancer treatment intact.

#3 -- Bonnie Reese. Bonnie is Deb's belly dancing teacher and a nurse. Deb and I have spent many a pleasant evening at a local restaurant watching Bonnie perform, and Bonnie's Comments have been laced with that "here''s how to get through this" wisdom that (I think) only nurses can provide.

#4 -- Carol Metzker. Carol is a Quaker and one of the most committed persons I know to personal justice and the alleviation of suffering world-wide. I am continually astonished at all that Carol does and feel genuinely blessed that she would Comment on my blog.

#5 -- "Coach" (aka Dinae). Dinae Commented using each of these names. You may recall my story of the Angel at the Pita Pit Restaurant: in the depths of my fear and anxiety, Dinae appeared somewhat magically and reminded me that my cancer was not a Death Notice, but a challenge that millions of people have met and survived. Joyfully. That whether I was to live another couple of months or another couple of decades, I was still me. And that the only real defeat would be if I stopped being me. God bless her!

#6 -- Connie. Connie is one of my fellow students at the Meadville School. She started one year after me, and for months, I really didn't know her at all well -- although I was fascinated by how she handled herself and what she has done with her life. About the time that I was diagnosed with cancer, Connie was facing a shoulder operation that might have ended her career as a kayak instructor and nature guide in the Adirondack Mountains. (At least I think it's the Adirondacks...) Anyway, she came through her surgery with flying colors, and I took her success to heart and carried it with me throughout my months of treatment. You might say she carried me on her shoulders. Her healthy shoulders...

#7 -- Darren. Darren is one of the most successful dinosaur hunters in North America. Deb and I have had the great pleasure of working with Darren in Alberta year after year. (When Darren is not doing dino work in Alberta, he's doing dino work in Mongolia, Africa, South America or who-knows-what's-next.) And he is constantly spooling off the most wonderful stories about dinosaurs and dinosaur fieldwork you can imagine. Ten years of listening to Darren and I've never heard him repeat a story.

#8 -- David D. David is a member of the Turks Head Jugglers, our just-for-fun group here in West Chester. David is one of the most pleasant, affable, approachable people I've ever met, and it was a nice surprise to have him Commenting on the blog. (Oh yes, and David is also a very competent five-ball juggler. Very smooth.)

#9 -- Dawn & Ed. For three years Dawn was a member of my class at the Meadville School. Dawn impressed most everyone at the School with her clear vision and readiness to help, to guide, to lead where she saw the need. We've had a number of people leave our class as the years have gone by, but Dawn's departure (which made perfect sense in context) made us all sad. And every one of us wished and still wishes Dawn nothing but success and happiness. Ed is her husband -- and one of the sweetest guys I've ever met.

#10 -- Diane. Diane is a classmate at the Meadville School and an inspiration to all of us there. Over the last 3 1/2 years, Diane has grown tremendously and now regularly provides remarkable insight, strength and great caring to difficult situations that arise at the School. Diane Comments regularly -- and the underlying message always seems the same: Randy, keep it up!! Thanks for all that!!

Okay, that's the first 10. The next set will be posted shortly. Promise.

If you're interested in getting in touch with any of these folks, please drop me an e-mail at and I will forward your message on to the appropriate party.

AND speaking of parties, I hope everyone is fully recovered from New Year's Eve, and that the rest of 2010 finds you well and happy.

Thanks to the above 10 people and everyone who's taken the time to keep up with the blog and, as Tiny Tim once remarked...

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