Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gratitude and More Gratitude

This just in!! I had a chest X-ray earlier today to determine if the cancer had metastasized to my lungs -- which has been known to happen from time to time...

But it hasn't happened to me! The X-ray came back clean! Or "No sign of disease," as the nurse reported the result to me. (whew!)

I haven't had an electronic gizmo (PET scan, CAT scan, DOG scan, GERBIL scan, etc.) do a look-see into my torso for a good long time, so this was certainly welcome news. And I'm not sure why I was directed to have a simple X-ray rather than a newer, more sophisticated technology. (I guess just because an X-ray would show up anything that might be wrong, and if something did show up positive, then a more advanced approach would identify the exact what/where. So fortunately a whiz-bang scan is not in the picture -- so to speak -- this time around. YAY!)

I think my radiation doc wanted me to have the X-ray on the 18th of January, but I just really wanted this done now! I mean, if there were a tumor, it would just be growing over the next week, right? So I figured get the test done today and get an answer. There was nothing to be gained by waiting.

I am adding my gratitude for this test result to the large heap of gratitude that I've felt as I wrote up the descriptions in the "Who You Are" postings. It was such a pleasure to bring each of the Commenters to mind, visualizing each of you in turn and recalling how you've affected my life. And supported me through months of treatment and recovery.

I still don't recommend anyone getting cancer. (If someone offers you some, my advice is to just say "No.") But as Anne (see "Who You Are -- Page 1") and I have discussed several times, there are gifts to be had.

Gifts like savoring the announcements of clean scans and basking in the warmth of knowing you have good friends who love you and lift you up when you feel down. Gifts like knowing that you will continue to be part of the life of this world.


  1. What great news! Live long and prosper.


  2. YES! YES! YES!



  3. The good news continues!! Hooray! Thank you for posting that "still clean" announcement.

    I am very glad to hear the doctor is watching your lungs. I am very glad, period.
