Friday, December 3, 2010

Kind thoughts, please...

Well, this coming Tuesday may be a Big Discovery Day for me. As reported in the October posting, "Testing #3 -- A New Journey," I've had a series of blood tests being analyzed for several weeks. Collectively, they're either called "hyper-coag" or "hypo-coag," but I think it's the first of the two. Because the problem being addressed is my body's tendency to form blood clots when it's not appropriate to do so.

And Tuesday morning, we've got a meeting with my chemo/hemo doc -- I think/hope to discuss the results. Possible test results and prognosis include:

-- "The tests show completely normal blood chemistry and the genetic testing shows no predisposition for clots. It looks like it took a while for your body to re-adjust after the chemo treatments, but you can now continue your life from here on in without blood thinners and minimal concern for additional clotting." Which would mean I could get on a plane with no particular concern or consider driving to Alberta again and doing dino work next summer. Or...

-- "It looks like the chemo treatments have triggered something that will likely recur from time to time -- unless you put more rutabagas in your diet. (Or kale or kumquats or whatever...) In which case you should be fine." Which would be a minor inconvenience but a happy outcome. Or...

-- "The tests indicate you should be on blood thinners for the rest of your life." Either for hemotological reasons or genetic markers that were triggered by the chemo treatments. In which case, (especially if it's genetic) I should probably tell all my relatives that blood clots are a possibility in their lives as well, and here's what to look out for. Or...

-- Something else.

I can't think of what "Something else" might be, but past experience tells me that the unexpected is to be expected.

And so, dear friends, I would ask you to "hold me in the light" on Tuesday morning. And I will report on what's what as soon as I know.

Thank you for being here.

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