Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Testing #3 -- A New Journey

Well dear friends, I've started on Step 3 of the program described in the "Testing 1/2/3" posting earlier this month:

Yesterday, my chemo doc (who is also my blood chemistry doc) took me off Coumadin -- my blood thinning medication -- in preparation for in-depth blood testing to take place in roughly 10 days. He was very good about the decision, giving Deb and me a chance to continue on the meds for another month or so if either of us felt it would be a good idea. (Yes, he specifically asked "Mrs. Lyons" if she felt okay with the program!) Neither of us could figure out a reason why we should wait, so we agreed this was the right path to follow.

(I should mention here that the recent sonograms on my legs showed some residual clotting on my right leg -- the original clot -- but complete clearing of the left leg -- the clot that showed up in April of this year. Despite the residue from the first clot, testing also showed unrestricted blood flow in both legs. Yay!)

So the Coumadin has done its job of keeping new clots from forming, but it has to stop now to allow the blood to regain its normal chemistry.

So here's what's at stake: if the tests come back with good results, I may be off blood thinners forever -- or until another clot shows up. (Another clot at any time would mean that I would be on blood thinners for the rest of my life, no "if's," "and's." or "but's.")

And good test results would be A Very Good Thing, since there are hazards associated with being on blood thinners. Like any serious bleeding from an accident or whatever would be difficult to stop. And bleeding into an "internal cavity" like my stomach or lungs would be even worse than bad. (If it's blood thinners for the duration, I guess I get one of those Medic Alert thingys to wear...)

And if the tests come back with "uh-oh" results -- as you've probably guessed -- I'm back on blood thinners forever anyway.

So it's a big deal.

Deb and I were surprised to hear that the results of the tests wouldn't be available for four to six weeks. We're used to getting PT/INR test results in a couple of hours... But rest assured good people, that I'll post the results as soon as I can.

Late in the session, my doc suggested I continue living for a while, as there are some blood thinning meds in the drug pipeline that should be much easier to live with that Coumadin. Hard to argue with that, I guess...

And he ended the session by admonishing me thusly, saying: "Randy, I want you to know that I've worked very hard to get you through your cancer treatments and keep you alive. And if you were to die from a pulmonary embolism (i.e., a blood clot that breaks loose and hits the lungs, heart, or brain) and un-do all my efforts, I will be very upset with you! Very upset!"

And he sounded like he meant it.

Thank you for being with me on this journey. Sometimes, when it feels a little lonely in here, I think of you and all the support you've given me. And I feel strongly that I would not be doing this well without you and your thoughts and prayers and encouraging words.

And I'm sure that my chemo doc would thank you as well if he knew how much you've helped to keep me around. After all, he's worked so hard...


  1. We're with you, Randy. Prayers and good wishes coming your way.


  2. Randy, you're moving through all of this so beautifully. Here's hoping for positive test results!


  3. Hi Randy and Deb,

    Keep on Keeping on...there is so much to LIFE! As always, my thought and prayers and healing, loving energy are with you both and all who read and post :) (but esp. with the two of you!)

    Love and Light,

