Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things that Change, Things that Don't

I had lunch today at the Pita Pit. You may recall this dining establishment from a posting last year. It's the place that my Coach, my Angel, (I've called her both from time to time.) found me sobbing into my sandwich shortly after I was informed that I had cancer.

And on that day, my Coach gave me some of the best advice that I got throughout my treatment: Don't let yourself become your disease. No matter what, never stop being Randy.

I've been back to the Pita Pit several times since my treatments ended. It was the place I discovered late last year that, yes, I can eat sandwiches again. And life -- and my dining choices -- have been expanding ever since.

Anyway, I had a True Opening in the Quaker sense of the words today over lunch. I recalled that, shortly more than a year ago, I was eating at the Pita Pit and fretting that I might die in a year or two. Or less. And today at lunch, I was eating at the Pita Pit and fretting that my piano lesson had not gone well.


So, what hasn't changed is that I still fret about stuff from time to time.

It's just the subject matter that changes...

1 comment:

  1. Double Wow! Glad you have the opportunity to fret over your piano lesson:)


