Monday, April 20, 2009

Start here: Why a "health blog"?

On Friday, April 10, 2009 (a little over a week ago as I write this...) my E/N/T (that's ear/nose/throat) doctor called to tell me that the biopsy of a lymph node removed from my neck contained squamous cells that were cancerous. The cells originated from somewhere in my head/neck area -- some place other than the lymph node itself. (In future postings, I'll define and/or explain the new jargon, concepts and gizmos that are entering my life as a result of this diagnosis.)

In telling my family and friends about this diagnosis, I have found a deep and deeply nourishing well of compassion, love and support. While I don't recommend getting a cancer diagnosis, I must say that my life is considerably richer as a result of my new situation.

I've also had requests from a far-flung group of supporters to keep them informed as to how I'm doing. They tell me they want to know everything. So, rather than trying to telephone and/or e-mail dozens of people trying to keep them up-to-date, I've initiated this blog.

In it, I hope to keep everyone who visits up-to-date on my health, but I also plan wander a good deal farther afield: what the technology is like that's being used in my behalf. What the doctors and other health professionals are like that are taking care of me. How this life-changing episode in my life started. What I'm thinking about life and death, sickness and health. That sort of stuff.

The diagnosis has given me a new clarity that has been a precious gift. Things that seemed so important only days ago have drifted off my radar screen entirely. Other things that I've been taking for granted now lead me to a place of profound gratitude and peace. I want to share this as well.

Thank you again for coming. I hope to keep this blog interesting, informative, and -- as often as I can -- funny. And I invite all of you to comment on what you see written here. (Some of the blog procdeures may seem a bit arcane. Please let me know at the e-mail address below if you're struggling to comment on a posting.)

My e-mail address is If you'd rather send me an e-mail than comment on a posting, please do that. I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Randy - Thank you for sharing with all of us. I feel honored to be invited to have a glimpse into this important moment in your life. The Love that surrounds you is deep and wide. This Love will sustain you and keep you safe within the Flow, no matter where the current takes you.
