Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Test Results for a While...

Well, it seems there was a SNAFU in the testing procedure I mentioned in my previous posting. Out of the battery of tests that should have been performed on my blood -- looking for causes of my body's tendency to clot -- several of them were not performed. And I couldn't find out why.

I guess I'm not surprised. The lady who took the blood samples seemed awfully grumpy about something or other -- and distracted. And it seems she forgot to get some paperwork done concerning the genetic testing. That's my guess, since she didn't ask me to fill out and sign anything; but yesterday, when another lady at the same center took another sample, she did need paperwork from me. (I think it was some kind of permission slip, which makes sense in light of all the controversy over the privacy of test results.)

In any case, it will be another two weeks or so before the results are back. Just in time for Christmas. Maybe that's an omen...

Anyway, life is pretty fine. I feel healthy and well taken care of.

Can't ask for much more than that.


  1. Stay healthy. Feel healthy. Be healthy.

    I'm going to uncross my fingers for now but you are still getting all my good thoughts.

  2. I'm sending lots of warm thoughts and prayers, Randy! And I'm so glad to hear that you feel healthy and well taken care of.


  3. Better luck next time... Ron
